(724) 983-1000 sales@gwbcrane.com

Completed Projects

Listed below are albums of our completed projects which demonstrate our complete turnkey capabilities from application assistance, design engineering, manufacturing, installation, load testing and commissioning.

Restoring 70-Ton Gantry Cranes for a New Era

Restoring 70-Ton Gantry Cranes for a New Era

Industry:Concrete Application:Storage & Material Handling Location:Pennsylvania2025 Gantry Crane Restoration & Modernization Project Photo GalleryProject Description Last Updated 3/21/2025 Over a decade ago, our customer in Central Pennsylvania acquired three...

30 Ton Top-Running Double Girder Crane (#33883)

30 Ton Top-Running Double Girder Crane (#33883)

Industry:Advanced Metals Manufacturing CMAA Classification:Class F Service Power Supply:460 VACClick on the left or right side of the image to see more pictures from the installation.Project Description: At G.W. Becker Inc., we recently completed an exciting project...

15 Ton Top-Running Double Girder Crane (#26991)

15 Ton Top-Running Double Girder Crane (#26991)

Industry:Roofing Manufacturer Application:Injection Molding Line CMAA Classification: Class C Service  Product Manufacturer:G.W. Becker, Inc. Project Description: G.W. Becker, Inc. commissioned three (3) new 15 ton top-running double girder overhead cranes for a...

20 Ton Top-Running Double Girder Crane (#26451)

20 Ton Top-Running Double Girder Crane (#26451)

Industry:Sand and Gravel Producer Application:Maintenance CMAA Classification:Class D Service Product Manufacturer:G.W. Becker, Inc. – Shaw-Box HoistProject Description: G.W. Becker, Inc. commissioned a new 20 ton electrical overhead traveling crane for a sand and...

Four 1 Ton Overhead Cranes (#25889)

Four 1 Ton Overhead Cranes (#25889)

Industry:Aerospace Application:Handling aerospace parts during the testing process CMAA Classification Service:Class C Service Product Manufacturer:G.W. Becker, Inc. – R&M HoistProject Description: G.W. Becker, Inc. commissioned four (4) new one (1) ton overhead...

25 Ton Stamping Press Overhead Crane (#25999)

25 Ton Stamping Press Overhead Crane (#25999)

Industry: Automotive Supply Application:Stamping CMAA Classification:Class E Service Product Manufacturer:G.W. Becker, Inc.Project Description: G.W. Becker, Inc. commissioned a 25 ton stamping press overhead crane, as part of a 3 crane order, for an automotive...

60 Ton Gantry Crane (#25567)

60 Ton Gantry Crane (#25567)

Industry:Concrete Application:Manufacturing of concrete formsProject Description: This 60 ton gantry crane project included a re-spanning, modifying, and de-rating of existing 70 ton double leg gantry crane. Gantry legs were modified for the new height and span. New...

10 Ton Charging Crane (#25276)

10 Ton Charging Crane (#25276)

Industry: Titanium Products Application: Coal Center CMAA Classification: Class C Service Product Manufacturer: G.W. Becker, Inc. – Shaw-Box Hoist Project Description: G.W. Becker, Inc. commissioned a new 10 ton charging crane for a ductile iron foundry in...

Two 50/15 Ton Overhead Cranes (#25061)

Two 50/15 Ton Overhead Cranes (#25061)

Industry:Forging Application:Machining Bay CMAA Classification:Class D Service Product Manufacturer:G.W. Becker, Inc.Project Description: G.W. Becker, Inc. commissioned two (2) new 50/15 ton electric overhead traveling cranes for a manufacturer of marine propulsion...

20 Ton Heat Treat Crane (#25225)

20 Ton Heat Treat Crane (#25225)

Industry:Metal Heat Treating Application:Product loading/unloading CMAA Classification:Class D Service Product Manufacturer:G.W. Becker, Inc. – Shaw-Box HoistsProject Description: G.W. Becker, Inc. commissioned a new 20 ton electrical overhead traveling crane for a...

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G.W. Becker, Inc. can provide your company with an overhead crane system, engineered, designed, built and installed to fit your needs.